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An elementary school with only 60 students?!

David Moreland

Yes! On Wednesday, I performed my bullying-prevention show at New Jersey’s Beach Haven School, where their entire third-grade class consists of three girls! Beach Haven, as the name implies, is an oceanside community; jam-packed in the summer months, but deserted in the winter except for a handful of hardy souls. The beauty of such a school is that the students get lots of attention from their teachers, and that the principal is able spend lots of time dialoging with a visiting performer, me. Ted Loeffler is not only the principal: he’s superintendent, anti-bullying specialist, etc, etc, and has 30+ years of experience helping students with behavioral challenges. Ted watched both performances of ‘Stop Bullying Now!’– my version for Grades K-2, and my more-sophisticated version for Grades 3-6 – and, afterwards, he gave me extraordinarily-helpful feedback. What a gift! I will carry the lessons learned at Beach Haven into every subsequent performance of my show.

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